Saturday, April 4, 2009

Infomation for Freshmens


Here is some of the information that you might want to take note of if you are interested in joining Guitar Club:

1. Club Crawl: Our booth will be located at 1st floor of Sports Hall. Please register at our booth if you are interested in joining us.

2. Orientation Concert(Guitar Fiesta): Anyone interested to see our performance and know more about guitar club are invited to watch our performance. If you want to join the enrichment class (have not learnt guitar before), please pay $36 (subjected to subsidy) after the concert at the reception area.

3. Interview: There will be interview conducted for the people joining the advanced class (have learnt guitar before) and the enrichment class. The interview of the people joining the advanced class will be at E317 and the enrichment class at E318. The venue of the interview will be confirmed again.

4. Buying of guitars: We will be meeting 2 days to buy guitars. Those joining guitar club but do not have their own classical guitar/ do not know where to buy guitar can come and join us. The date, time and venue will be updated soon.


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