November Practice Dates:
GC members, you may want to wear your guitar shirt on practice days together! :D
01/11, sat - E314, E315 - 10am to 2pm
05/11, wed - E317, E318 - 6pm to 10pm
08/11, sat - No practice - No rooms available
12/11, wed - E317, E318 - 6pm to 10pm
15/11, sat - No practice - No rooms available
19/11, wed - E317, E318 - 6pm to 10pm
22/11, sat - E308 - 10am to 2pm
26/11, wed - E317, E318 - 6pm to 10pm
29/11, sat - E308 - 10am to 2pm
(Note: La Guitare Concert date is around the 3rd week of December, so gc members, pls try not to book ur holidays on those days~ :)
To any students interested in joining GC: Currently the club may not be taking in new-comers who do not know how to play, till the next clubcrawl (around April '09). If you are really interested, please sms Sherilyn @ 97977525 and leave your contact. Thank you~ :))))