Thursday, October 30, 2008

November Practice Dates:
GC members, you may want to wear your guitar shirt on practice days together! :D

01/11, sat - E314, E315 - 10am to 2pm

05/11, wed - E317, E318 - 6pm to 10pm
08/11, sat - No practice - No rooms available

12/11, wed - E317, E318 - 6pm to 10pm
15/11, sat - No practice - No rooms available

19/11, wed - E317, E318 - 6pm to 10pm
22/11, sat - E308 - 10am to 2pm

26/11, wed - E317, E318 - 6pm to 10pm
29/11, sat - E308 - 10am to 2pm

(Note: La Guitare Concert date is around the 3rd week of December, so gc members, pls try not to book ur holidays on those days~ :)

To any students interested in joining GC:
Currently the club may not be taking in new-comers who do not know how to play, till the next clubcrawl (around April '09). If you are really interested, please sms Sherilyn @ 97977525 and leave your contact. Thank you~ :))))

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ensemble Songs

Here are the download links for the Midi files..


How Deep is Your love

Yu Jian

Practice at home too =)

Those links works for 7days only..
So pass around to your friends if they dont have

Thursday, October 16, 2008

GC shirt collection

To both seniors & juniors:

We will be giving out the GC shirts next wed (22 Oct) that you have paid for. so everyone please try to come to collect them as well as for regular practices! (to those who have missed quite a few lessons: try to come back so you can catch up with the rest, and practice at home when you are free too:)