Thursday, February 19, 2009

Guitar Club Forum!

HEY YALL!!!! OK here's a big shout out to the birth to our Forum. WOOHOO!! We are all very excited about it and heres a release of it, do check the forum regularly for updates and news and of course this blog too. :D. Yall can also mingle with your fellow guitar-ian over there, as yall can post your own GUITAR related video and link it into the forum for us to SEE and Envy, chit chat..and lots of stuff. Woot Oh yea DO REGISTER into the forum once u visited the site as we will be locking up the forum soon to prevent "outsiders" to view our private little online space =)

Here's the link--->

Ps. We are working on the design soon. Don't COMPLAIN AR!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Guitar Practice for MARCH

It's ALIVE!! Ok here is a sneak preview on the dates of practice during the month of March.

March 2009
11/3/09 Wednesday
Room : E314
Time : 3pm-9pm

12/3/09 Thursday
Room : E314
Time : 5pm-9pm

18/3/09 Wednesday
Room : E308
Time : 3pm-9pm

19/3/09 Thursday
Room : E308
Time : 5pm-9pm

25/3/09 Wednesday
Room : E308
Time : 3pm-9pm

26/3/09 Thursday
Room : E308
Time : 5pm-9pm

There might be some changes, SO PLEASE VISIT THE BLOG REGULARLY.

Thursday, February 5, 2009



Exams are coming(Yea sad info) so guitar practices will come to a halt temporary. Guitar practices will mostly likely to be resumed during the early march period, as most of the people will finish thier exams by then. SO YA, yall dun be sad :(. So whenever yall are free, u guys can reach out for your guitar, sayang them, polish them, talk to them and start playing with them. Practice your skills uhhh. WILL SEE YALL IN THE COMING PRACTICE!!! GOOD LUCK WITH THE EXAMS!!!
