Saturday, August 27, 2011


For those who have are coming for the camp, remember that the meeting time for camp is 2pm on the 6th of September. Venue is Block E. Don't be late.

Training is expected to resume the week after camp. Exact details will be provided soon.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Camp Briefings and other Detials

For those who are interested in joining the camp in September but do not have the indemnity form, you can obtain it outside the club room. There will be a second camp briefing for those who missed the first one on Monday 8th of August.

For the camp, you are not allowed to leave in the middle of camp unless accompanied with a valid reason. Also if you are unable to stay overnight due to parent's objections, a parent letter is needed for justification.

Training will officially resume on the second week of September. Training venue and the time will be the same.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

No training

There will be no training for the month of August. Training will resumed afterwards.